Back in time

February 11, 2021  •  Leave a Comment


How much fun would it be to be able the experience the golden age of travel?

Thanks to The Bluebell Railway in Sussex, we were able to do just that - if only for a couple of hours! We were given free reign to use the station and carriages to come up with some images that gave a taste of times gone by. For the purists out there we were only wanting to get a flavour rather than a slavish authentic portrayal.

We chose two eras, the first being 1920s/30s period. The Victorian station certainly looked the part and the ladies had great fun dressing up in their long and elegant dresses. Very regal indeed.

As not everyone would have had a camera back then (imagine that!!) we thought it would be fun to create what a vintage selfie may have looked like. It would certainly have been very hit and miss with no forward facing screen to see what is in the image and if any of it is in focus!



For the second set we went with a 50s/60s kind of feel.

The weather was fortunately glorious and the ladies looked fabulous in their summer floral dresses for their day out. The station wouldn't have changed much from it's Victorian days and for this the carriages were also of the correct vintage.

With the great props dotted around it really did give an old time feel with the old cases stacked up waiting for the station porters to deal with, and advertising posters adorning the walls - some of brands we are still familiar with, whilst others are long since consigned to the history books. 

All too soon our time was up and it was back to the present for us.

We had a such a lovely time and I'd like to thank Helen & Toni for being wonderful models to work with and The Bluebell Railway for hosting us.

If you've enjoyed the photos please feel free to view more in the gallery here - Bluebell Railway



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